News & Advice

How Much Does It Cost To Accept A Collect Call From Jail On A Cell Phone?

How Much Does It Cost To Accept A Collect Call From Jail On A Cell Phone?

The cost of accepting a collect call from jail on a cell phone can vary depending on several factors, including the service provider, the specific plan or package you have with your cell phone carrier and the rates set by the correctional facility or the inmate phone service provider.

When you receive a collect call from an inmate, the charges for the call are typically billed to the person accepting the call. These charges can include connection fees, per-minute charges, and any additional fees imposed by the phone service provider.

It is advisable to contact your cell phone carrier or service provider to inquire about the specific rates and charges associated with accepting collect calls from correctional facilities. They can provide information about applicable fees, call rates, and billing details specific to your plan or package.

Additionally, you may want to check if your cell phone carrier offers special packages or discounted rates for accepting inmate calls. Some carriers have partnerships with inmate phone service providers that offer more affordable options for receiving calls from correctional facilities.

The rates and charges for accepting collect calls from jail on a cell phone can vary significantly between carriers and correctional facilities. Therefore, contacting your service provider and inquiring about their policies and pricing for accepting collect calls from inmates is essential.

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